Board-nominated candidates sweep MCTV elections

I had a dog in this fight

By on Wed, May 7, 2008

Candidates nominated by the board of MCTV soundly defeated the challengers, Barry Parr, Darin Boville, and Scott Boyd.

I’m not entirely sure how to report this, since I was running in this race.  Speaking only for myself, I was always running with the goal of improving MCTV and not against any particular members or nominees of the board. So, I’m happy to congratulate MCTV’s new board members and wish them well as they take the station into the digital age. I still have a lot of ideas for improving the station and its service to the community, but I’ll save that for another time.

Candidate, votes

Jack Prejza, 62 (elected)
Chris Madison, 60 (elected)
Whitney Brooks, 61 (elected)
Barry Parr, 25
Darin Boville, 22
Scott Boyd, 25

Resolution to amend the MCTV bylaws

Yes, 57 (passed)
No, 22