Bomb squad detonates recovered explosives near Pescadero

By on Sat, July 10, 2004

Remember those explosives stolen from a bunker near the Crystal Springs Reservoir a few days ago? They were recovered from a storage locker in Hayward late Wednesday. On Thursday, the San Mateo County bomb squad blew them up near Pescadero.  One of our readers just happened to be in the area when this happened:

A photographer was here yesterday from HMB Review to shoot Catherine Peery and myself [Lynne Bowman] for the [Pescadero Visioning] Workshop story. We were going up to the Warheit site, a possible location for affordable housing, and found the usually locked gate open, so drove right in, up the hill toward the microwave tower. At the top of the hill, we were greeted by several cop cars and 3 or 4 Bomb Squad vehicles. Nobody seemed concerned about our being there, but one of the uniformed guys said, yeah, the road was closed today. We did quick u-turns and were outta there.

Back in town, a friend said, "Did you hear the sonic boom?" I said no. Back at home, husband said, "Wow, just before noon, the dog went nuts and came inside, really scared, and got under my desk."

Then when I saw the NewsAlert this morning about Pescadero being used to blow up that stolen stash of explosives, it all added up. Thought it was interesting that the photog from HMB didn’t bat an eye or a camera shutter. Thought it was interesting nobody in town gets notified of such things. Thought it was interesting they left the gate open for folks like me to wander in.