Book program for incarcerated youth needs volunteers

Press release

By on Fri, August 5, 2011

The Book Club for Incarcerated Youth program provides educational and life skill support to teen girls and boys at the County’s youth incarceration facility.  In order to connect these students with literacy and library services, San Mateo County Library has been offering a book club for five years run by library staff and volunteers.

The program is looking for volunteers to help out next year. The time commitment is only two hours a night over four consecutive Thursday nights or one other weeknight to be determined at this meeting. Those who are new at this will go out in pairs with more experienced staff. To find out more about this program, there will be an informational and planning meeting on Wednesday, August 17th at 12:30 pm at San Mateo County Library, Administration Building, 125 Lessingia Court (formerly 25 Tower Road), San Mateo.

If you would like to help change a life through books, please contact Pamela Bilz, San Mateo County Library, 650-312-5263.