“Bridal Veil Falls”, a video duet performed and produced by Coastsiders

By on Thu, June 26, 2008

Rob Carey/Coastside Video
Click to see the video

Bridal Veil Falls" is a new video produced locally by Rob Carey at Coastside Video, featuring a new violin-piano duo: Colyn C. Fischer & Shauna Pickett-Gordon.

Colyn has twice won the U.S. Open Scottish Fiddling championship. He teaches on the Coastside, in southern California, and in North Carolina at a summer music camp.  Both he and Shauna compose; this video features three of his original tunes.  Shauna directs the locally based Peninsula Scottish Fiddlers, and Colyn is their coach and headliner. 

The group will tour Scotland in October, performing in several cities. They’ll be at the Alameda County Fair on Sunday evening 29 June, in concert in San Francisco on Saturday 12 July, and at the Oakland Scottish Games on Sunday 13 July. Their next Coastside appearance will be at the Pacifica Farmers Market on Wednesday 23 July. The duo is available for performances, including at house-concert venues.  Reach them at 650-728-0862 or at [email protected].