Cabrillo Education Foundation gives $50,000 to schools

Press release

By on Thu, February 25, 2010

The Cabrillo Education Foundation has given money to each school in the Cabrillo Unified School District for immediate use.

"The Starlight Soirée fundraiser far exceeded our attendance expectations, allowing for a quick cash infusion to our schools during a very critical budgeting time," said Christine Mendonca, President of the Foundation.  "We thank our community for their generosity in support of our children."  

Specific portions were determined based strictly on numbers of students attending each school.  During the past twelve months, $182,000 dollars have been raised through various community efforts and directly distributed.  In May of 2009, the High School Academic Fund was established with CEF acting as fiduciary agent, providing an additional $75,000 to the school’s budget for the 09-10 academic year.  Thus far, $37,000 has been added to the high school fund for 2010-2011.  The CEF Endowment remains untouched, continuing to grow independently of immediate use distributions.
The dollars distributed to each school based on student population.