Caltrans expects Devil’s Slide design and timeline in about two weeks

By on Tue, May 2, 2006

While Caltrans still isn’t giving an estimate of how long it will take to repair Highway 1 at Devil’s Slide, Caltrans expects to have a design for the new repair and a schedule for completion in "on the order of two weeks", according to Caltrans spokesman John Cunliffe.

This should come as good, if uncertain, news for the community. Coastsiders have been hearing plenty of rumors that the repairs will take a very long time, or even that the highway will never be repaired.  The Half Moon Bay Review Monday debunked an unsubstantiated rumor that the Pumpkin Festival is going to be cancelled.

Geologists report that the rate of the Slide’s movement has "slowed significantly", and a third inclinometer has been installed at the site.  While the movement is never going to stop, it does have to slow to a more normal pace for repairs to begin.

Several designs for the repair are under consideration, and engineers are waiting for data to plug into their models.  "The repair will be designed to last beyond the opening date of the tunnel," Cunliffe told me.  This will assure that the highway will be in service if tunnel is delayed, and that Caltrans will turn over a working road to the county when it opens the tunnel.