Caltrans may upstage Mike Nevin at Wednesday’s MCC meeting

Why wait till Wednesday?

By on Mon, April 10, 2006

A member of Caltrans’s Geotech section as well as Caltrans Devil’s Slide spokesperson John Cunliffe will appear at Wednesday’s meeting of the Midcoast Community Council.

Mike Nevin, candidate for the District 8 California State Senate seat, was already scheduled to speak. This is the first in a series of appearances by senate candidates to present their platforms and answer questions from the public. Future invites will include Lou Papan and Leland Yee. This is an opportunity for citizens to learn about and discuss our representation in Sacramento and let the candidates know about the unique issues which impact the Midcoast.

The meeting will be 7:30pm Seton Medical Center Coastside, Marine Boulevard & Etheldore, in Moss Beach. Take Highway 1 to Marine Boulevard and follow hospital signs uphill.  The Caltrans representatives are on the agenda for approximately 8:35pm.