Caltrans resumes drilling, excavates slipout at Shamrock Ranch

Updated 11:30am

By on Wed, April 26, 2006

The hillside above the slipout has been reinforced, and the slipout itself was excavated. During the rains, a lot of water came down a channel on the hillside, across the roadbed at the slipout.
Fabric and rocks are being installed below the slipout to reinforce the hillside.

On Devil’s Slide Wednesday, Caltrans is drilling the third of four holes for an inclinometer to measure the movement of the slide.  The holes are being drilled to 300 feet, versus 200 feet as originally planned.

Caltrans engineers and designers met on site Monday to assess the slide conditions and discuss design concepts. Larger boulders have been reduced with small explosives and rocks were cleared from the road. Broken rocks brought down from the cliff will be used in the roadbed during slide repairs. A rock catchment ditch has been constructed above the road as a precaution against future rock falls.

At Shamrock Ranch, the slipout has been excavated, rocks have been installed on the hillside above the site, and Caltrans is in the process of installing rocks below on top of reinforcing fabric to tie the mass together. Samples of "material oozing from the hillside" were taken from the slide just south of Shamrock Ranch for analysis.