Car stolen at Montara SB: Sheriff’s report for July 29

Two cars were broken into at Montara State Beach this week. In one, a rear screen window was forced open. In the second, however, someone broke into a car at MSB, stole the car, and used the victim’s credit cards in some Pacifica stores.
In addition to the usual Coastside crimes (drugs, warrant arrests, commercial burglary), there was this:
On 07-23-2010 a vehicle was stopped for crossing over the double yellow lines. The driver was found to be unlicensed and had too many passengers in his vehicle without seatbelts for them. All of the passengers were under the age of twenty-one and there were multiple open and unopened alcoholic beverages in the vehicle. One of the juvenile passengers was on searchable probation. A vehicle search yielded a small amount of marijuana, drug paraphernalia, electronic monitoring devices, and burglary tools. All passengers and driver were placed under arrest for possession of burglary tools and booked into San Mateo County Jail and San Mateo County Juvenile Hall.
Details after the jump.
07/21/10 @ 2120 hours
Johnson Pier, Princeton
A subject was contacted during a traffic stop. During the stop it was determined that the subject was operating a motor vehicle without a valid license, on active CDC Parole and in possession of Marijuana. Sacramento Department of Corrections was contacted and a parole hold was placed on the subject. He was arrested, transported and booked into the San Mateo County Maguire Correctional Facility without incident.
Warrant Arrest
07/23/10 @ 0845 hours
Ano Nuevo / Cabrillo Hwy
Deputies were on routine patrol when they observed a vehicle speeding. They made a traffic stop and contacted the driver. A check through county communications revealed that the driver had an outstanding warrant. The driver was cited for speeding then arrested and booked into the county jail for the warrant.
Warrant Arrest
07/26/10 @ 1800 hours
Devil’s Slide
Deputies stopped a motorcyclist for a traffic violation. He was observed crossing over the double yellow lines of the highway and passing vehicles. A records check revealed a $10,000 outstanding warrant for his arrest. He was taken to the county jail. The motorcycle was released to a relative.
Commercial Burglary
07/23/10 @ 2219 hours
2200 block of Cabrillo Hwy
Unknown suspects gained access to Bay City’s Flower Company facility by cutting a section of a chain link fence. A late 80 s model Ford Ranger pick up truck was seen leaving the area with three roller tables in the bed of the truck. It is believed the roller tables were stolen from the property. A similar incident was reported on 6/17/10 when 20-30 roller tables were stolen. The total loss was estimated to be between $300 and $450.
Possession of Burglary Tools
Possession of marijuana
07/23/10 @ 2336 hours
Cabrillo Hwy / La Honda Road
On 07-23-2010 a vehicle was stopped for crossing over the double yellow lines. The driver was found to be unlicensed and had too many passengers in his vehicle without seatbelts for them. All of the passengers were under the age of twenty-one and there were multiple open and unopened alcoholic beverages in the vehicle. One of the juvenile passengers was on searchable probation. A vehicle search yielded a small amount of marijuana, drug paraphernalia, electronic monitoring devices, and burglary tools. All passengers and driver were placed under arrest for possession of burglary tools and booked into San Mateo County Jail and San Mateo County Juvenile Hall.
Warrant Arrest
07/24/10 @ 0930 hours
1000 block of Birch Street, Montara
While investigating a call of a suspicious person, a parolee matching the description was located and a residential search was conducted. Deputies determined that the subject had an outstanding no bail warrant which was confirmed and the subject was arrested. The subject’s girlfriend was contacted in the same residence and also had an outstanding felony warrant which was confirmed for $50,000. The warrant description matched the subject and she was arrested and booked without further incident.
07/25/10 @ 0600 hours
Broadway / prospect, Princeton
Two subjects were passengers in an unregistered vehicle that was stopped for failure to stop at a stop sign. The driver consented to a vehicle search subsequently 22 caliber ammunition was found in the trunk and the passengers were searched for weapons. One passenger stated she had drugs in her purse and was found to be in possession of ecstasy. Another passenger had a bindle of suspected methamphetamine, and was under the influence of a controlled substance. Both subjects were booked into the county jail.
Auto Burglary
07/26/10 @ 0800 hours
Montara State Beach
On 07-26-2010, between the hours of 0630 and 0800, a citizen was the victim of a vehicle burglary at Montara State Beach in Unincorporated San Mateo County. The unknown suspects entered the vehicle by forcing open the rear screen window of his locked vehicle. The suspects stole his wallet, a cell phone two pairs of prescription sunglasses and other miscellaneous items. The approximated total value of the damaged and stolen items was $1370.00.
Stolen Vehicle
07/26/10 @ 0710 hours
Montara State Beach
On July 26, 2010 between 0710 hrs and 0830 hrs an unknown suspect or suspects smashed the left rear passenger side window and gained access to the vehicle. The suspect then stole the vehicle from Montara State Beach North Parking Lot. The vehicle was recovered in Pacifica. Pacifica Police Department has been able to recover digital recording of a suspect using the victim’s credit cards in various stores in Pacifica.