Casino trip benefits Coastside Adult Day Health, June 25
Coastside Adult Day Health Center is sponsoring a benefit trip to Red Hawk Casino on Saturday June 25.
Cost $39.00 includes a fun day with staff from the Center, games and 5 hours in the Casino. Bonus of $15 for the slot machines. Pickups: Canada Cove, HMB 8:00 am, the Center at 645 Correas St. HMB at 8:10 am, Pacifica Senior Center on Highway 1 at 8:30 am. Red Hawk requires photo I.D.
Call Sandy Sanders at 650-726-5067. No refunds. Check payable to CADHC. Mail to Sandy c/o CADHC, 645 Correas St. Half Moon Bay, CA 94019. Indicate name, address, phone and pick-up place.