Charter Review Committee to meet Wednesday, Jan. 27, 5pm tonight


By on Wed, January 27, 2010

WHAT:  2nd meeting of the San Mateo County’s Charter Review Committee.
Meeting is Open to the Public
WHEN:  Wednesday, Jan. 27 5:00pm
WHERE:  Room 101, 455 County Center, in Redwood City.

County Supervisors appointed most of the Charter Review Committee members and Michael Murphy is the unofficial chair.

Very few members of the public attended the first meeting. I hope more people come to the Charter Review Committee meeting tonight.

At the January 13th meeting I read a letter supporting the June 30, 2009 Grand Jury Report. Public comment was the last item on the agenda. During public comment I requested the following:

Meetings should be located throughout the County so the public has an opportunity to participate in the process.

An email address for the Committee should be posted on the County website so the public can correspond with Charter Review Committee members.

The meeting should be video taped and broadcast on television and the internet.

Public comment should be moved to the beginning on the meeting.

I requested ALL committee questions for County Counsel and all responses to questions by County Counsel be posted on the County website to make the process more transparent.

-The last request was made in response to the following:  During the January 13th meeting Michael Murphy recommended that all committee questions be emailed to his office for review and Cced to committee members.  Murphy said he would respond with answers to committee questions via email and Cc the committee.  COULD THIS BE CONSIDERED A POSSIBLE BROWN ACT VIOLATION?

June 30, 2009 Grand Jury Report: