Christmas isn’t the only time to be generous to your neighbors


By on Sat, December 25, 2004

The ‘warm coat’ folks forgot about the men standing in Mac Dutra Park on Main St. in Half Moon Bay looking for work. If you have any clean warm jackets, rain gear, heavy sweaters, hats, boots or socks to spare, please donate them to this group, who would not be standing around the park if people were not coming by and offering them jobs.

I have found them to be very nice and most appreciative of our efforts to help. There are usually about 20 of them, and if you are feeling particularly generous, HMB Bakery or Max at M. Coffee will make coffee for them for $25, or $30 if you want to go for doughnuts from the bakery.

Some of them seem to be teenagers, and most are wearing light sweatshirts and generally inadequate clothing for the cold weather. They start gathering at 7:30 or 8:00am, every day. No, they do not look ‘pretty’. Yes, most are probably illegal. But they are here, living in our community, and their only real fault is that they are poor.