City Hall mural will be dedicated Friday

By on Thu, June 23, 2005

You’ve seen the mural in progress on the side of Half Moon Bay City Hall, and now it’s finished.  Friday at 6:00pm, the Rotary Club, which commissioned it, and city council will dedicate the mural. 

One panel represents floriculture—a key element of the Coastside economy. The second is an idealized view of a Coastside beach with a windswept cypress in the foreground. The beach is based on the view looking south from Surfers Beach in order to capture the half-moon shape of the bay, according to the artist Doug Snow.  He added a cypress tree to the foreground for compositional reasons and removed some buildings from the view.

Cheri Parr
Cheri Parr

Click "read more" to see the press release.

Rotary Club Mural Honoring Coastside to be Dedicated June 24
City Hall Wall Adorned by Original Art
Half Moon Bay, Calif., June 19, 2005—-The Rotary Club of Half Moon Bay and members of the Half Moon Bay City Council will dedicate a City Hall Mural June 24 at 6:00 P.M.  "The theme of the mural is ‘The Character of the Coastside,’" said Charles Nelson, Rotary project chairperson.  "Artist and architect Douglas Snow won the competition for the right to paint the southern wall of City Hall at Main Street and Kelly in Half Moon Bay, Nelson said.  The mural is the local club’s recognition of Rotary’s 100th anniversary in 2005.
Doug Snow, a well know water colorist, said he was faced with a challenge.  "I used outdoor paint that will stand up to the elements," he explained.  "The challenge was to blend the colors as one would with water colors.  This gives the mural a softer and more natural look."  The design shows that portion of the Coastside that gives Half Moon Bay its name.  Also, as Doug points out, "Visitors cannot enter this city without seeing evidence of our floral agriculture, a backbone of the local economy."  Flowers are prominent in the rendering.
All submissions were reviewed by the Mural Selection Committee comprised of five voting members:  three members of the Half Moon Bay Rotary Club, one member of the Spanishtown Historical Society and one member of the community. 
About the Rotary Club of Half Moon Bay, California
The Half Moon Bay Rotary Club was formed in 1971 when a group of local business and community leaders met and decided to apply for a charter as a Rotary Club.  Half Moon Bay Rotary is involved in local and international service, traveling to Mexico to conduct medical clinics.  The local club’s donations led to the creation of the RotaCare medical clinic, which continues providing free, "no questions asked" medical care to those who would otherwise not be served.
Half Moon Bay Rotary has been honored for its remarkable membership growth, for its innovative community service projects both local and international, and for the extraordinary commitment to international service demonstrated by high levels of charitable contributions.
With all of the emphasis on making Half Moon Bay and the rest of the world a better place, the club has not forgotten the importance of promoting friendships and relationships within the membership.  Whether it be serving chowder bowls at the annual Pumpkin Festival, playing volleyball and horseshoes at the annual Labor Day picnic, dancing at the Spring Fling, or sipping champagne in tuxedos and formal gowns at Rotary at the Ritz, the Half Moon Bay Rotary Club is having fun while making a difference.

For Immediate Release                              

Charles Nelson
[email protected]