City selects MIG to plan its new park

By on Wed, January 26, 2005

Click on the image to download a copy of MIG's winning proposal.

At a combined meeting of the Half Moon Bay City Council and Park Design Committee, the city chose MIG as its architects for its new city park. One committee member described the meeting as a "love fest".

But the actual selection was a nail-biter for two of the bidders. The committee actually tied 10 to 10 on whether to choose MIG or David Gates & Associates, in a vote conducted by chair Toni Taylor.  Ultimately, Council member Mike Ferreira overcame his own declared ambivalence and voted for MIG. Finally the City Council voted unanimously for MIG.

"I was really impressed with the openness of this process. It was very positive and constructive," said Laurel Kelly, project manager for the park at MIG. She added, "But we got the contract. What else am I going to say?"