Coastal Cleanup Day is Saturday

By on Tue, September 11, 2007


California Coastal Cleanup Day is Saturday September 15 from 9am to noon. This is an important event in our community and we participate whenever we can at Montara State Beach.

California Coastal Cleanup Day is the premier volunteer event focused on the marine environment in the world. In 2006, a total of 358,617 volunteers pitched in with their precious time and effort to help clean 34,560 miles of shoreline of some seven million pounds of trash.

Wendy and Kevin Stokes of are beach captains again this year for Montara State Beach. Kevin writes, "One notable change for this year is that we will be including Grey Whale Cove in the clean up, a beach always sadly neglected by such events."

The county coordinator is Sarah Pratt of the San Mateo Countywide Water Pollution Prevention Program (650) 599-1325 [email protected] A complete list of Coastside beaches and coordinators can be found on the program’s website.