Coastal Cleanup was a success despite Montara Beach tragedy

By on Sun, September 19, 2004

Kevin Stokes
An emergency helicopter and ambulance could be seen in the north parking lot of the Outrigger.
Kevin Stokes
Over 600 lbs of trash were collected.
Kevin Stokes
The haul included a 4" fishing knife, 2 cell phones, an animal skull, a 5 gallon drum of chemicals and an I.V. Bag and tube.
Kevin Stokes
Everyone loves big, happy dogs!

Despite the tragedy on the bluffs, the Coastal Cleanup proceeded as planned. Montara Cleanup organizer Kevin Stokes reports:

The beach clean up was successful beyond our wildest dreams!  We had 47 people give up their time to help. Our youngest volunteer was 2 years old and also included school kids, Mothers, older couples and groups of friends. We had people from San Leandro, Fremont, Berkeley, San Francisco and of course Montara, Half Moon Bay and Moss Beach. The estimated weight of trash picked up was over 600lbs and included among the usual trash a 4" fishing knife, 2 cell phones, an animal skull, a 5 gallon drum of chemicals and worst of all an I.V. Bag and tube!

I passed the parking lot at 8.00am on my way to set up for the Coastal Clean up the North end of Montara beach. I saw many Police, Fire and Ambulance there. First of all the rumor was it was it was a shooting. The Ranger that was supposed to assist us got caught up in it all.

Kevin’s full gallery of the day can be found at his Web site.