Coastal Commission allows lab and cabins near murrelet habitat

By on Fri, April 14, 2006

Gus Van Vliet, US Fish and Wildlife Service
Marbled murrelet, from Wikipedia

In a battle between conservation groups, the Coastal Commission has permitted the Pescadero Conservation Alliance to renovate a lodge and cabins for up to 63 visitors a day near a marbled murrelet nesting area near Gazos Creek, says the County TImes.

Humans, and the food they bring with them, are known to attract predatory birds such as ravens and Steller’s jays, which steal murrelet eggs and kill their chicks, according to biologists.

It’s difficult to know precisely how many murrelets still exist in Northern California, according to Stacy Martinelli, a biologist with the California Department of Fish and Game. For many years, nobody knew where they nested; the first murrelet was spotted at Big Basin Redwoods State Park in 1974.

On one side was the PCA, the California Department of Fish and Game, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the California Department of Parks and Recreation. Coastal Commission staff supported the appeal [PDF of staff recommendation] by the Committee for Green Foothills [CGF article on the issue], the Center for Biological Diversity, Coastside Habitat Coalition, and coastside resident Jim Rourke.  Lennie Roberts, of the CGF, predicts that at least one of the opposing groups will appeal the decision.

Click below to read PCA’s letter requesting support on April 3.

Hello Friends,

Pescadero Conservation Alliance (PCA) needs help from our neighbors! 

PCA needs letters asking the California Coastal Commission to approve our Use Permit to allow us to operate the former "Mountain Camp" on Gazos Creek as a field research station for habitat restoration, environmental education and research on a year round schedule.

This issue is on the Coastal Commission Agenda for Thursday, April 13. It is critical that we send them letters of support, reinforcing the value and importance of the Field Research Station in Pescadero. Up to this point we have created some pretty incredible programs including our monthly science lectures on local environmental issues at the research station and our Adopt-a-Watershed program with the La Honda and Pescadero schools. We have also created a program for eradication of invasive plants with the California State Parks in Pescadero and Ano Nuevo and private landowners. We are very proud of the hundreds of volunteer hours spent cleaning up and removing more than 690 cubic yards of junk and debris, and over 400 tons of asphalt, as well as building repair that literally saved the historic Mountain Camp from ruin.

Our opponents claim that we can run our programs anywhere. I would like to point out that we have college professors just waiting for us to open our doors to this beautiful and diverse ecosystem. Here is an opportunity to educate students, not out of a book, while sitting at a desk at school, but right here in the very setting that will inspire them to continue their studies of caring for our planet. And what will this property be used for if not to educate the public through our programs?  We have had the full support of the California State Parks, owners of this property, partly because we have done such a thorough job with its upkeep. It could be a huge financial burden to them if PCA is not allowed to continue caring for the property.    

The County of San Mateo Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors have both approved of the project, and many groups including California State Parks, California Department of Fish & Game, and U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service have endorsed the approval of this Use Permit.  However, because of some opposition and appeals, additional letters of support are urgently needed-and if you can make it, we would love to have you at the hearing!


Ms. Meg Caldwell, Chair
California Coastal Commission
45 Fremont Street, Suite 2000
San Francisco, CA  94105-2219

Re: Appeal No. A-2-04-5  (Pescadero Conservation Alliance, San Mateo Co.)
Please send your letters, preferably to be received by Friday, April 7, 
and send a copy of your letter to: [email protected] or mail to:

P.O. Box 873
Pescadero, CA 94060

For questions or more information please go to or contact John Wade at 650-879-3244 / [email protected] or Debbie Bennett at 879-0841 / [email protected]

Best Regards,

Randy Bennett
PCA Board President