Coastal Geotourism Forum welcomes your ideas


By on Tue, April 6, 2010

With the San Mateo County Resource Conservation District (RCD) we held a lively networking meeting on promoting geotourism on the Coastside.

What’s geotourism?
Look here:

The panels were interesting, and it was great to learn about the good things that are going on now. Thank you panelists.
For a report on the meeting:

To keep the momentum going, I’ve started a Ning social netword devoted to Coastal Geotourism.
You can find it here:
It’s easy to use, and your participation is going to keep it all interesting and moving. I’m hoping we get some good brainstorming and debates going. Right now on the table we have discussions on a new coastal vistor’s center (why not in the empty Red Ginger restaurant?), and we’re making a wish list of what we’d like to see happen to promote Geotourism. (How about a weekend beach shuttle?)

In about two weeks I’d like to start organizing another meeting. In the meeting.  The goal of that meeting will be to prioritize concerns, and then act.

I feel genuinely optimistic about the potential of our problem solving abilities. Doe this look good to you? If it does, please sign up.
If for some reason you can’t do that through the website, just email me at [email protected], and I’ll invite you.