Coastside Chess Club is holding summer chess events for kids and adults

By on Fri, June 24, 2005

The Coastside Chess Club will hold 4 chess meets this summer at the Half Moon Bay Community Center. there will be both official and casual chess available from 1 to 6 p.m. on Sundays: July 3, July 10, July 24, and August 7.

At each chess meet there will be separate sections for youth and adult players, in separate competitions for ranked an unranked players. Trophies, metals, books, and other prizes will be awarded in all sections. The Coastside Chess Club is a not-for-profit organization and all participation fees are used to offset the cost of the event. The participation fee is $15 for unrated competition, $20 for official competitions with United States chess Federation ratings.

The events are held under the supervision of chess master Eric Schiller of Moss Beach, author of many books on chess. He will be providing coaching tips and general chess information between games.

This is a great opportunity for young Coastside players to meet each other and kids from all over the Bay area.

The 2005 summer season will be a bit short this year because Dr. Schiller has to travel to London as arbiter of the Staunton Memorial tournament, but Pacifica will be taking up the slack by hosting a competition on August 13.

Chess sets are available at most of the coffee shops and cafés on the Coastside. If you know of an establishment that does not have chess equipment, but would like some, the Coastside Chess Club will be happy to provide chess sets and boards on request.