Coastside Democrats ask Supervisor Gordon to bring his MCC proposal to the Midcoast
The Executive Board of the Coastside Democrats have asked Supervisor Rich Gordon to hold a public meeting on the Midcoast to discuss his and Supervisor Rose Jacob Gibson’s proposal to keep elected officials from serving on the Midcoast Community Council, and to put the matter to the voters of the Midcoast:
It seems to me that such recommendations deserve a meeting with the community so that you can both explain your proposals, answer our questions, and hear our concerns. This affects several current board members as well as who is eligible in the future. We would also like to discuss ways to provide more support for this board. I am requesting that such a meeting be held on the coast side, in the evening, and with adequate notice to the public. As you know, coming to Redwood City on weekday mornings is very difficult for many who live on the coast, especially for those who are employed during the day. Such a discussion could be held at a regular MCC meeting.
At such a meeting, it would be helpful to know how many people serve on more than one County advisory council or board, both elected and appointed. Your current proposal seems to limit citizen choice in an election. Shouldn’t we decide through the ballot if we want people to serve in more than one role? I would appreciate more information on the possible conflicts of interest as well as on how you propose to fill the current vacancy in a timely manner so that the MCC can fully address the many issues facing us in these difficult times.
The letter is signed by Coastside Democrats president Brigid O’Farrell. Click below for the full text of the letter.
Dear Supervisor Rich Gordon and Supervisor Rose Jacobs Gibson,
It was a pleasure to see both of you on Tuesday night and have a chance to catch up briefly on the Midcoast Community Council. As we discussed, the Council is an important public voice for those of us who live on the Coastside and we are trying to strengthen this elected body so it can more effectively convey our ideas and concerns to the Board of Supervisors. We need a full board made up of citizens with the time and energy to undertake such volunteer activities.
As I understand it, you are now going to decline to appoint Ric Lohman, an active citizen who applied to fill a vacancy on the Council with support from the community, as you heard on Tuesday night. At the same time, you are proposing to change the rules for who is eligible to serve in this elected position. These recommendations are now on the agenda for the January 27th Board meeting.
It seems to me that such recommendations deserve a meeting with the community so that you can both explain your proposals, answer our questions, and hear our concerns. This affects several current board members as well as who is eligible in the future. We would also like to discuss ways to provide more support for this board. I am requesting that such a meeting be held on the coast side, in the evening, and with adequate notice to the public. As you know, coming to Redwood City on weekday mornings is very difficult for many who live on the coast, especially for those who are employed during the day. Such a discussion could be held at a regular MCC meeting.
At such a meeting, it would be helpful to know how many people serve on more than one County advisory council or board, both elected and appointed. Your current proposal seems to limit citizen choice in an election. Shouldn’t we decide through the ballot if we want people to serve in more than one role? I would appreciate more information on the possible conflicts of interest as well as on how you propose to fill the current vacancy in a timely manner so that the MCC can fully address the many issues facing us in these difficult times.
I look forward to discussing this with you further.
Brigid O’Farrell
Brigid O’Farrell, President
Coastside Democrats