Coastside Farmers’ Market field notes


By on Thu, November 11, 2010


The Coastside Farmers’ Market is hosting a blood drive this coming Saturday, and I hope you’ll consider donating if you are eligible. If you have never donated blood, I hope you’ll think about it now. It’s easy, and means the world to people you will likely never meet. Plus when you do it at the Market, Santiago will sing to you and give you tangerines and pomegrantes to recover by.

Plus giving blood now means an awful lot to the family of a great little local surferdude I know who calls himself Dusty Dirtbike-Rider.  He’s 3 today, but likes to remind everyone he will be 4 by Thanksgiving. He’s a fan of the color orange, the Giants and the Farmer’s Market, where his Auntie Colleen has worked with me for years and years. And he is fighting a nasty case of leukemia at the moment.

During his initial treatments, Dusty needed some kind of blood product most days of his 4 week stay. Hospitals draw from a communal blood supply and so Dusty and his family are feeling pretty fortunate that there are people in the world that just up and give blood for the heck of it. 

Dusty’s Dad wrote this - - -

I am writing this note because I want people to take notice the next time there is a blood drive nearby.  Personally, I have always taken them for granted and only have participated when they are right in front of me…like when they hold one at the Harbor Bar.  Now, I am seeing first hand how important they are.  The blood Dusty has been getting the past couple weeks was donated by random people who have no clue (maybe they do) how much of a contribution they are giving…I did not when i gave.  When he was first admitted, he was so weak he could not stand and barely form words until they gave him transfusions of blood that could successfully carry oxygen around his body. Most likely a recent blood drive will not be contributed to Dusty’s fight but it will contribute to the next kid’s fight against cancer.
It is truly the super-gift.  So please take a bit of time to give blood…besides, its free cranberry juice. No brainer.

So - if you are so inclined , please click here to make an appointment to give blood on Saturday at the Market.  Dusty’s family is planning another drive on January 22nd, and you can give then too if you like.

If you have trouble with the link provided try going to - click on ‘Donate Blood" and enter sponsor code

We’ll return to our regularly scheduled episode of Field Notes after a short break.

Thanks from the bottom of my bushel.

Erin Tormey
Founder, Manager
Coastside Farmers’ Markets

May - December
Half Moon Bay @ Shoreline Station•Saturdays - 9 to 1
Pacifica @ Rockaway Beach•Wednesdays - 2:30 - 6:3