Coastside Film presents “Africa: The Musical Continent” Friday

Press release

By on Tue, January 17, 2006

Coastside Film Society

"Artists reach areas far beyond the reach of politicians. Art, especially entertainment and music, is understood by everybody and it lifts the spirits and the morale of those who hear it."  Nelson Mandela

Come immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of the many cultures of Africa.  Africa: The Musical Continent helps us understand Africa’s diversity by studying its indigenous music and the people and political forces that shaped the music.

The tour begins with the griot musicians of Senegal.  We then caravan across the ancient deserts of Mali and Burkina Faso with nomads who have been trading music and exotic instruments for thousands of years. Just south of the desert, we encounter the juju music of Nigeria. We then jump to the East coast to experience the music of Ethiopia and down to South Africa, sampling music and meeting music makers as we go.

What we end up with is a grand symphony of the music of this influential continent as interpreted by legendary African artists such as juju star King Sunny Ade, Senegal’s Baaba Maal, Afro-pop artist Salif Keita, Miriam Makeba, Nigeria’s rebel star Fela Kuti and Cesoria Evora of the Canary Islands.

The movie includes footage taken from 10 documentary films about the African musical stars whose performances are featured.  That footage is put into context using documentary footage captured expressly to provide a historical perspective about where the music came from.

A half an hour before the feature and during the post screening program the audience will be able enjoy an exhibition of African instruments and artwork while listing to African music.  The artwork comes from Sujaro, Half Moon Bay’s new African import boutique. The music comes from the CD produced as a companion to our feature.  Among the presenters for this part of the program will be our own Luanne Paul King, Film Club Board Member and former founder of the Music Conservatory of Tanzania.

To see a video excerpt of this program and to peruse more information see:

Friday, Jan 20
Feature starts at 8:00
Preshow at 7:30

Community Methodist Sanctuary,  Half Moon Bay
777 Miramontes, Half Moon Bay
Corner of Johnston & Miramontes.

$6.00 donation per person