Coastside Film Society presents a night of short films Friday

By on Tue, May 10, 2005

Press the play button to see a quicktime preview.

Click on the play button in the Quicktime window on the right to see a preview of West Bank Story by Ari Sandel, A musical comedy about the Israeli Palestinian conflict. David is an Israeli soldier.  Fatima is a Palestinian fast food cashier. They are an unlikely couple who fall in love amidst in the middle of a war between their family’s dueling West Bank falafel stands.

The films will run around 98 minutes.  Many of the film makers will be on hand to take part in the post screening discussion.  The films begin 8:00 pm at Community Methodist Sanctuary,  Half Moon Bay, 777 Miramontes, Half Moon Bay.  $6.00 donation per person

Click "read more" to find out about other films to be shown Friday.


Devil’s Teeth by Roger Teich 

A short documentary about the only sea urchin diver who still makes his living working the off shore waters of Half Moon Bay.  Ron Elliott has chosen to make his living jumping into shark infested black waters of the Farallon Islands.  It is an act of bravery and faith that film maker Teich obviously finds great beauty in,

Snake bite by Morgan and Max Hampton 

Another spooky mystery by our own famous father and son filmmaking team from El Granda. Shot in downtown Half Moon Bay with all local actors.  Great campy fun with the Hampton’s usual surprise ending.  

Calder’s Circus by A. Calder

Long before Alexander Calder became famous by inventing the mobile, he was fiddling with wire to create his little circus creatures.  In this charming little film we get to see Calder coax his take his tiny wire performers into walking tightropes, dancing, lifting weights, and other feats of daring do.

Stealing Altitude by John Starr and Roger Teich

An exercise in cinema-verite that gives us an intimate look into one of the word’s most covert sports. BASE is an acronym that stands for Buildings, Antennas, Spans and Earth structures. Base jumping involves climbing the top of scary places, jumping off them, and with luck, safely parachuting back to earth. Stealing Altitude explores the motivations of one particular jumper and documents his activity in the dawn and pre-dawn world of downtown Los Angeles.

The Statue by Suzanne Girot

A study of the statue in SF’s Mechanic’s Monument Plaza in San Francisco created deaf mute artist Douglas Tilden and architect Willis Polk. Suzanne reveals how the statue has touched the lives of her grandmother, a young skateboarder and a homeless man who lives in its shadow.

Fish Tale by David and Hinjian Hodge

Sushi is edible art.  Fish Tale is a documentary one artist and the people who appreciate his work.  The film is the work of a film making team from Half Moon Bay. 

A selection of very short films will fill out the program.