Coastside Film Society presents a town split by development and hatred on Saturday

By on Sun, July 3, 2005

Kalispell radio host, John Stokes, manifests his frustration with ‘Eco-Nazis’ at a Kalispell, Montana 'anti-Earth Day' rally.

A town is torn apart by a struggle over land use, development, and the environment in The Fire Next Time, Saturday’s presentation of the Coastside Film Society.

What would you do if the place you loved was changing so rapidly that the fabric of town life began unraveling before your eyes?  In Kalispell, Montana, disagreements about growth, race and land use led to fervent conflict.  The resulting high-stakes battle over developmental and environmental issues may sound familiar to many of us here on the San Mateo coast

Tensions in Kalispell were further exacerbated by a conservative talk show host who took to the air to stridently express his point of view and to suggest what action needed to be taken.  What would you do if this were your town?  What kind of ending would you make to this story?  That is for each of us to decide.

Patrice O’Neill, who directed and co-produced the film, will be our guest and will do Q & A after the screening.

Click "read more" to see the press release that this story was based on.

Saturday July 9, 8:00 pm
Community Methodist Sanctuary
777 Miramontes, Corner of Johnston & Miramontes
Half Moon Bay
$6.00 donation per person