Coastside Hope gets new executive director and board leadership

By on Thu, July 12, 2007

Cheri Parr, shown distributing clothes last Thanksgiving, is resigning as executive director of Coastside Hope.

Cheri Parr, executive director of Coastside Hope, has resigned, and 30-year Coastside Hope veteran Fatima Soares has been appointed to replace her. I’m not doing any reporting on this one, because it’s close to home. Cheri’s going to continue as an active volunteer, but we’re looking forward to seeing more of her at home and hope she’ll be able to take better care of her knee.  Here’s the quote form the release:

"Cheri has lead Coastside Hope through a very difficult year of transitioning out of a transportation program that had been the foundation of the agency for over 10 years " said Williams, who has served as board president since July 2006. "On behalf of the Board of Directors, staff and clients of Coastside Hope, I want to express our deep gratitude for Cheri’s service as executive director over the past two years. We are a stronger organization as a result of her work and passion for providing quality programs for all those in need. While sad to see her leave the ED position, we are delighted that Cheri will continue with us in the vital role of community advocate and grant writer." 

The organization also announced the election of a new slate of officers: Judy O’Leary and Jeff Perls as co-presidents, Casey Sample continuing as vice president, Barbara Wright as treasurer, and Patricia Strohlein board secretary.

CLICK to read the press release.

July 11, 2007

Coastside Hope Announces New Leadership

EL GRANADA, Calif. - Dell Williams, President of the Board of Coastside Hope (formerly The Coastside Opportunity Center) today announced a number of staffing changes for the organization for the new fiscal year as a result of its annual board elections.

New Board Positions

During the June Board of Director’s meeting, the members unanimously elected a new slate of officers to the Coastside Hope board. Judy O’Leary, and Jeff Perls were elected co-presidents, Casey Sample will remain in the vice president’s slot as will Barbara Wright as treasurer, and Patricia Strohlein will serve as board secretary in 2007.

Judy O’Leary has been an active member of the Coastside Hope Board for over 25 years and brings to the position both historical perspective and a deep passion for the clients and community she serves. She became involved with the Adopt A Family Christmas Program about 25 years ago and has worked on the program every year since then as a volunteer.  She has been a member of the Board of Directors of Coastside Hope for approximately 10 years, and for the last 8 has volunteered helping clients do their taxes.  Last year, through the VITA program she did over 300 tax returns.
"Coastside Hope, has become a very important part of my life.  This organization allows me the opportunity to work with a population of people in my home area whose needs are great.  I know many of our clients personally and feel tremendous pride in being a part of an organization that makes such a difference in the quality of life."

Jeff Perls is a two year resident of Half Moon Bay having moved here from Connecticut with his wife, Sue to be nearer their children and grandchildren.  Jeff has retired twice, first from a 30-year career with Kraft Foods where he was a marketing and strategy executive and more recently from a 5-year post-retirement career as a Physician Assistant.  He has degrees from The University of Florida, Harvard Business School and Yale Medical School.  Jeff has not only been active on the Coastside Hope Board for the past year, but also works as a volunteer in the food program.

"Involvement in Coastside Hope, which is the designated agency on the coastside for providing goods and services for basic needs like food, clothing, shelter and citizenship has given me a meaningful opportunity to contribute to the betterment of our new community."

Outgoing president Dell Williams said, " The combination of Judy’s long history and passion for Coastside Hope, and Jeff’s strategic marketing abilities are the perfect skill set at this juncture in the agencies evolution.  We have the utmost confidence that their expanded role in the agency will allow Coastside Hope to expand our programs for our clients in need." 

New Executive Director

In addition to the change in board positions, Williams announced the resignation of Cheri Parr, Executive Director of the agency for the past two years. Cheri will remain in her role at Coastside Hope full-time through August 10th, after which she will take some, much needed and well deserved time off to spend with her family. Cheri will remain to transition the agency to the new director, and will continue to serve as a volunteer grant writer and community advocate for the agency.

"Cheri has lead Coastside Hope through a very difficult year of transitioning out of a transportation program that had been the foundation of the agency for over 10 years " said Williams, who has served as board president since July 2006. "On behalf of the Board of Directors, staff and clients of Coastside Hope, I want to express our deep gratitude for Cheri’s service as executive director over the past two years. We are a stronger organization as a result of her work and passion for providing quality programs for all those in need. While sad to see her leave the ED position, we are delighted that Cheri will continue with us in the vital role of community advocate and grant writer." 

"It has been an honor to serve as Executive Director of this organization, and to work with so many dedicated colleagues, volunteers and donors," said Parr. "I will miss the day-to-day interactions with these friends, but leave knowing that the organization will continue to reach new heights, thanks to the tremendous strength of the staff, Board and volunteers.  I can’t think of any other organization that is more important to the Coast and I’m looking forward to having more time to focus on my advocacy role in the community"

With Parr’s departure comes the announcement of a new Executive Director, Fatima Soares.  For the past 30 years, Fatima Soares has been the chief Social Worker for Coastside Hope.  "Well known to clients and the community as a whole, Fatima is perfectly positioned to lead the agency as it places renewed focus on its core of safety net services.", said Cheri Parr.  "Fatima brings a solid background in general administration, program management, and direct client services with an emphasis on empowering clients to help themselves.

"I’m very excited about my new role as Executive Director," said Soares. She added, "Coastside Hope has such an extraordinary legacy of providing for the less fortunate within our community, and I intend to continue that legacy. I can’t think of a more important task than feeding and sheltering our neighbors in need."

"Fatima was the natural choice for executive director," says Judy O’Leary, new president of the board. "Because of her previous roles as Social Services Director and interim director of the agency, she is well known and admired by the board and staff, but more importantly, her strength as a manager, social worker, and community champion is exactly what the center currently needs."

Coastside Hope is the coastside community assistance agency designated to provide a safety net for coastsiders in need by providing for basic needs like food, clothing, shelter, and necessary citizenship and naturalization services.