Coastside Land Trust sponsoring Pilarcitos Creek cleanup, Saturday

You are invited to a cleanup day targeting the Pilarcitos Creek corridor between Oak Avenue Park and the Strawflower Shopping Center on Saturday, March 29 from 10am–noon.
The group will meet at the Oak Avenue Park off Pilarcitos Avenue in Half Moon Bay. Many items have been dumped in the creesk or left behind. Help make an immediate impact by getting these items out of the conservation easement and into the trash or recycle before they reach Half Moon Bay State Beach and the Pacific Ocean. Check in at 9:45am. The project is recommended for those over 18. There will be light refreshments.
Pilarcitos Creek starts its course in the Santa Cruz Mountains, descends west through Pilarcitos Canyon and the heart of Half Moon Bay, before discharging into the Pacific Ocean at Half Moon Bay State Beach. Coastside Land Trust holds a number of conservation easements along the creek and actively restores the riparian habitat of these protected lands.
Saturday, March 29 from 10am–noon
Meet at Oak Avenue Park, off Pilarcitos Ave in Half Moon Bay. Click here for a map
Bring Trash tongs, sturdy shoes, layers, sun protection