Coastside Mothers help other moms in need

By on Fri, May 4, 2007

Cheri Parr
Corrine Bucher, President of the Coastside Mothers' Club; Kristen O'Brien, Fundraising Coordinator; Christy Conklin Community Connection Coordinator and son William (6 months)
Cheri Parr

There is an old popular proverb that suggests "it takes a village to raise a child." And members of the Coastside Mothers’ Club firmly believe this sentiment. That is why, when called to action, these moms did not hesitate to collect diapers for families in our community.

In just over a month, the club collected almost 1,700 diapers and presented them to Coastside Hope to distribute to those who need them most. More than forty families participated in the drive and some members even got creative. The club’s president, Corrine Bucher asked attendees to her daughter’s birthday party to bring diapers for the drive instead of gifts.

"The Coastside Mothers’ Club is committed to building a community partnership and this drive was a great opportunity to serve our local families," says Corrine. "Making a difference on the coastside is just one of many rewarding benefits of membership."

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Cheri Parr
Cheri Parr
Cheri Parr