Coastside needs a complete count for the census
I noticed that I had not received my census form. If you have a P.O. box it was supposed to have been left on your doorstep Figuring that other residents had been missed as well I contacted the census office to alert them to the fact that some folks here had been missed. There are only 5 days left to get your census form sent back in.
The following note, from Margot Grant, lists the places you can pick a form up.
Hi Kathryn,
It was great speaking with you earlier today.
Our Local Census Office will be delivering replacement Census Questionnaires to the post offices in: El Granada, Montara, and Moss Beach.
Folks can pick up Census Questionnaires during hours of operation at the following locations:
Montara Post Office
Seventh and Main Street
El Granada Post Office
20 Avenue Portola
Moss Beach Post Office
2315 Carlos Street
The attached Poster will be place in each Post Office.
In addition, there are also Questionnaires Assistance Centers (QACs) at the following locations until Monday, April 19th:
Pillar Ridge Community Center
164 Cuebra Lane
M-Th 3:30 - 6 pm
Coastside Hope
99 Alhambra Avenue
M/Th 9am - 12 pm
T/W/F 2 pm - 5 pm
I also plan to attend Wednesday’s MCC meeting to make an announcement, and will look into advertising with MC TV.
Please feel free to suggest other outlets and ideas on how to spread the word and ensure that everyone receives a 2010 Census Questionnaire.
Thank you for your help!
Margot Grant
Census Coordinator,
County of San Mateo
(650) 363-1947