Coastside stables voluntarily quarantined due to horse virus

By on Fri, March 16, 2007

Three stables in the Montara and Moss Beach are under voluntary quarantine due to an outbreak of Equine Herpes Virus [link to UC Davis, plus more info from the state], according to the county Farm Bureau.

Based on history, clinical signs, and the number of horses affected. A presumptive diagnosis of Equine Herpes Virus was made, and the horse referred to the UC-Davis Large Animal Clinic. The diagnosis was confirmed the afternoon of March 12 based on a positive nasal swab, blood, and spinal tap. Two other horses at the boarding facility have also tested positive, with one other pending. Two of the affected horses were subsequently euthanized at UC-Davis after failing to respond to treatment. Currently, three stables in the Moss Beach/Montara area are under voluntary quarantine to help stop the spread of the virus.