Coastside teacher publishes novel set in 1930s Appalachia

Press release

By on Tue, November 28, 2006


Coastsider Aaron Reed and his father Steve have just published a new book, "The Myth of the Summer Moon"

The book is a story of three families of middle and high school youth plagued with poverty, personal loss, and handicaps. It describes how they work together to overcome life’s obstacles both within themselves and their rural community in an Appalachian border state in the 1930s.

Aaron is a resident of El Granada, and created an alternative homeschool collaborative program on the Coastside. He says, "With a small number of students, I can offer intimate educational instruction to students with alternative learning styles. I love the opportunity to work with students in small private programs away from the chaos that today’s large mainstream classrooms suffer from.  The small setting allows me to work individually with students; to really get to know them."

You can purchase signed copies of the book from Aaron’s website. It will be in stock at Moon News in Half Moon Bay at the end of the week.