Coastsider endorses fire district incumbents


By on Sat, October 31, 2009

Coastsider endorses Burke, Cockrell, and McShane for CFPD board

After consolidating two coastside fire districts and contracting out fire services to Cal Fire, the Caostside Fire Protection District should be on the mend.

Instead, the firefighters are continuing their war for control of the board by spending heavily to support three challengers for the open seats on the board. This is the second election in a row where the firefighters have pulled out all the stops to gain control of the district.

Coastsider endorses the three incumbent board members: Gary Burke, Ginny McShane, and Jeffrey B. Cockrell—so that district taxpayers, and not the firefighters, will control district policy.

If the firefighters’ candidates win this time, not only will a majority of the board have a conflict of interest with the taxpayers, the Cal Fire contract (which puts a protective barrier between the board and firehouse politics) will be at risk.

Our firefighters work hard and take risks to to protect our lives and our homes. They deserve our respect, a good contract, and excellent management. But they should not get to write their own contract.

The union-backed candidates claim that the incumbents have "given State Control of your Fire Department".  The truth is that for the first time in a long time, the taxpayers have control of the fire department. Vote for the incumbents if you want to maintain control.