Coastsider endorses GSD incumbents


By on Wed, October 28, 2009

Coastsider endorses Erickson, Lohman, and Woren

Can there be a more thankless task than running a small sewer district?  Granada Sanitary District residents are lucky to have three engaged and knowledgeable incumbents willing to serve another term on its board.

Coastsider endorses incumbents Gael Erickson, Ric Lohman, and Leonard Woren for the GSD board of directors.

In an off-year election with no other major issues on the ballot, it would be easy to neglect to vote.  It’s important that you take the time on Tuesday morning to vote. Every vote matters in what will surely be a low-turnout election.

Thanks to Montara Fog, we have a video of the GSD candidate forum, where the candidates had an opportunity to introduce themselves to the community.

It’s particularly telling to compare the incumbents’ answers to the audience questions to those of the challengers. You can’t help but learn something from the incumbents, particularly from Lohman and Woren.

Griffis and McCaffrey seem unsure of why they’re there or what they’re talking about. Even the developer-friendly Half Moon Bay Review identified Griffis and McCaffrey as potential "puppets" of real estate interests.

The trouble with voting the bums out is that two of the three opposition candidates come to the race with their own baggage. Neither Bill Griffis nor Lisa McCaffrey have ever been to a GSD meeting and are recruits of the property rights faction on the coast. They would find themselves puppets in the longest running turf war on the coast – “growthers” vs. “no-growthers.” That’s too bad.

No one questions that GSD is well run and efficient. The current board is doing a good job of serving its rate payers.

Furthermore, the current GSD board is committed to making the district and the Coastide a better place to live by upgrading their infrastructure in ways that secure the environment, and by allocating recycled water to restoring streams and wetlands.

A vote for the GSD incumbents is a vote for local control, continued good management, and a sustainable Coastside.