Coastsider Farmers’ Market Field Notes: Preface #1

By on Wed, April 9, 2008

Hey Marketeers! 

Good news since last go-round!  Thanks to all of you fine folks that dropped a love note to The City, we are cleared for takeoff on May 3 in Half Moon Bay, and as soon as I get the requisite love-letter from the Mayor, which is on the way, I’ll be good to go with the Dept O’ Ag. I may need similar love notes to our Board O’ Supes about another matter entirely, but more on that in the next installment. 

Meanwhile - the plan is to thrill and delight you each week until we open with exciting news and entertainments as Opening Day draws ever nearer.


Exciting News Numero Uno:  Dee Harley of Harley Farms promises that she will be back in the Half Moon Bay location this season.  I am delighted, as should y’all be.  Do you have any idea how truly outstanding a dish of pasta with fresh scallion pesto topped with medallions of seared chevre is?  Well, soon you can find out for yourself.

Exciting News Numero Duo: Bill Kennedy from Swanton Berry Farm just comfirmed this very day that those yummy yummy berries from the Santa Cruz border will be in attendance in the Pacifica Location this season. This, my friends, is fabulous news.  Especially for those shoppers who can’t get to the market until later in the afternoon and have been left bereft and berry-less on more than one occasion. A crushing of their berries mooshed into a dollop of Dee’s ricotta with a few shards of dark chocolate make for one remarkable taste treat.  Stuff that in your cannoli, paisan.

And this just in from our South Coast Bureau - Maria Reyes de Luz runs a pretty little organic farm , La Milpa, right on the edges of Santa Cruz, and she had such a good time at our pre-season opener at the IDES last week that she is joining both markets.  Just wait till you see her eggplants. You’ll be humming that Michael Frank’s tune all day.

In other news -

Ned Conwell from the gorgeous and bountiful Blue House Farms is not joining either Market, but he is joining me and the folks from Visionary Edge at the Johnston House Depot on this coming Saturday evening for Movie Night!  "The Real Dirt on Farmer John"  is a great film that beautifully and hilariously portrays the profound impact, power and importance of supporting sustainable food systems in and on communities.  The film screens at 7:30, is accompanied by Live Music with none other than Leslie Littlefield, and is followed by a discussion with yours truly, Leslie and the fabulous Ned.  Call 650/560 -0200 for tix and info.

Thanks a bushel and a bunch!

Erin Tormey
Coastside Farmers Markets
In Half Moon Bay
Saturdays, 9 am to 1pm