Coastsider featured in online journalism site

By on Thu, February 3, 2005

Coastsider is featured in an article in New Voices, the community online journalism magazine at the J-Lab, a journalism lab at the University of Maryland College of Journalism. It might give you some insight into what we’re doing here. Among other things, Coastsider’s kind of a lab for me to work out my ideas about ultralocal journalism. There aren’t many sites that are doing what Coastsider does, and it’s starting to get some attention in the industry.

There are also a couple of quotes about Coastsider from Clay Lambert, Managing Editor at the HMB Review, though at least one is pretty badly mangled. But I’m responsible for the most surreal quote in the piece:

"Coastsider is never going to be a replacement for the paper," said the site’s owner, Barry Parr. "But I’m providing information you can’t get from them and providing it sooner."

That’s me—providing information you can’t get from the paper, and providing sooner than it doesn’t appear there. Or something like that.