Coastsiders meeting to explore home solar energy options

By on Thu, January 20, 2005

A group of Coastsiders is meeting Saturday 9:30 to 11:30 am at a Half Moon Bay home to look at the economic and technical issues around installing solar electric systems. Their goal is to reduce electricity use and maybe save some money. They’re also interesteed in following up with a solar tour to visit some solar-using homes and talk to the owners.

The agenda will include:

  •   Introductions
  •   A discussion of the various kinds of PV systems.
  •   A look at the factors that affect the economic savings possible
  •   Where to look for additional information

If you want to attend, there is a homework assignment: Take a look at your past PG&E bills and write down how many KWHrs you have used each month in 2004. If you haven’t saved the bills, write down how much money you have sent PG&E.

For directions contact Dennis Paull at [email protected], 650-712-0498