Coastsiders planning local series on sustainable living

Press release

By on Mon, January 31, 2005

NeighborShare and The Livability Project present the Coastside Livability Series, a series of lectures and hands-on events promoting local autonomy and sustainable living.

The series starts Thursday February 17th at 7:30 PM at the Ted Adcock Community Center with author Matt Savinar speaking on Issues of Survival on a Small Planet.

Click "read more" to see the full announcement.

Livability refers to the environmental, economic and social qualities of a community and the ability for those qualities to be maintained over time. It includes responsible energy use, safe streets, clean air and water, healthy soil, diverse employment opportunities, rich social networks, sustainable agriculture and many other aspects.

While global economic production has soared over the last half century, many feel that the livability of our communities has dropped. We’re more isolated socially, our land and water are increasingly tainted, our economic destiny is in the hands of ever more gigantic multinational corporations, and our extreme dependence on fossil fuels leaves us at the mercy of any political upheaval around the globe.

NeighborShare and The Livability Project are seeking ways to reverse this downward spiral and to find ways to prepare for the even greater challenges to come. Our Coastside Livability Series explores where we stand and where we may be going regarding the livability of our community, and provides concrete, hands-on actions we can take to make Pacifica and The Coastside an even more wonderful place to live for generations to come.

The series starts on February 17th at 7:30 PM with Matt Savinar, author of The Age of Oil is Over - What to Expect When the World Runs Out Of Cheap Oil 2005-2050, speaking on Issues of Survival on a Small Planet. He will detail many of the challenges that are likely to come our way as oil production begins its gradual decline in the next few years. Matt will explain just how dependent we are on cheap and plentiful oil and how the monumental event of the Oil Peak will soon affect nearly every aspect of our society.

The series will continue over the next 3 months with events designed to help us respond to these challenges within our own community. We will have sessions on Food, Economy, and Energy, each of which will be followed a few days later by a hands-on session with a local leader where we will discuss and begin to implement ongoing community solutions in each topic area.

We Americans have a long tradition of coming together with neighbors to build our communities and keep them strong. Come join your neighbors, meet new friends, and get the information, tools and support you need to start making a difference here in our own community!

About the sponsors: NeighborShare is a Half Moon Bay based group that seeks to enhance the quality of life in our community by working for local control and participation in the natural, physical, social and economic systems that sustain us.  They can be reached at or by email at [email protected]

The Livability Project works to educate people on the impact of their choices.  Their goal to bring environmentally & socially responsible practices into the mainstream by incubating ideas, programs and businesses that create sustainable solutions for human and planetary evolution.  It is based in Pacifica, CA.