Coastsider’s recent comments are now available in every page

By on Wed, July 27, 2005

The seven most recent comments posted by readers to Coastsider are now listed in the left-hand navigation bar.  Each comment includes the username of the poster, the first 20 words of the post, the date and time it was posted, and a link to the article on which it was posted.

This should be a big help in keeping track of what people are saying on the site, and I expect that it will increase the number of comments posted. I know that a number of users have been looking for a better way to keep track of new comments posted to the site.

Remember: you have to be a registered user to post your own comments. Now would be a good time to register.

Let us know what you think. Post your feedback as a comment on this story, and see it appear in the recent comments list.

ADDENDUM: Your comment will appear immediately on the story.  It will take about 10 minutes for it to appear in "Recent comments".