Collecting Chantrelles on the Coastside


By on Thu, January 13, 2011

Matthew des Tombe
These may be honey cap mushrooms found in the Purisma creek redwood forest--I did not make a positive ID so I did not pick them or bring them home.
Matthew des Tombe
Beautiful moss covered log with the smallest most delicate white mushrooms growing out of it.
Matthew des Tombe
Also may be honey caps but could not really tell---I am still a novice. Just had to take a picture of these mushrooms invading this fallen log.
Matthew des Tombe
My basket of Chantrelles! They are orange and can be the size of a golf ball to the size of both your fists. Gills will run down the stem and in mature ones will have cross veins in the gills. Cap and stem are not separate in the chantrelle---cap and stem are one.

Here some Chantrelles that I collected a little inland from the coast, as well as some other, inedible, varieties I found while collecting.

I love that all the mushrooms are so different! 

After being frustrated and looking for edible mushrooms for over two months on the coast and coming up with no edibles I finally decided to go inland a bit. 

I pulled over next to a live oak tree and jumped out of my car with my “fruity” looking mushroom basket and found the mother lode under a live oak tree!  They were the smaller little button/golf ball sized ones—still I was very pleased.

Chantrelles have a very delicate flavor and should be cooked with little else.  I made some cream of Chantrelle soup that a was great!

The next few days I returned to the same spot and saw a few “humps” of leaves that were pushing out of the ground closer to the tree.  I pulled the leaves away and found some larger mushrooms—approximately one pounders. 

Later that day, also a little inland from the coast I found another collecting area with large one pound Chantrelles.

As a note:  I don’t collect all the mushrooms in a given area because I want them to fruit in those spots year after year and I only collect the larger ones from here on out as we all want them to release their spores so we get more tasty Chantrelles next year.

I hope to find a King or Queen Boletus, the Prince Mushrooms and the giant horse and or meadow mushrooms in the future. 

As a reminder, never eat any wild mushroom ever unless you can make a positive identification. Very innocent, white mushrooms can kill you very quickly—beware of the Death Cap and the Destroying Angel!

Matthew des Tombe