Conservation groups say Coastal Commission voted for protection 44% of the time

By on Mon, September 1, 2008

In 2007, 44% of California Coastal Commission votes were pro-conservation, according to an annual analysis by conservation groups.The score was 60% in 2005, and 76% in 1997. The analysis has been prepared annually for the past 20 years.

Of the appointing authorities, the Senate Rules Committee appointments out-scored the Commissioner appointments made by the Governor and the Assembly Speaker this year with 72% pro-coastal average score for Senate appointees, 35% for Assembly appointees, and 24% for the Governor’s appointees.

The voting chart was prepared by California Coastkeeper Alliance, Surfrider Foundation, Sierra Club, League for Coastal Protection, and California Coastal Protection Network. You can download the report, which outlines the individual issues and commissioner votes in 2007 from Coastsider.

California Coastal Commission Conservation Voting Chart 2007

2007 voting record by commissioner

Read this document on Scribd: 2007 coastal commission votingchart