Construction traffic will increase on Devil’s Slide Monday

Press release

By on Fri, August 25, 2006

Caltrans press release

Motorists using Highway 1 between Montara and Pacifica will notice an increase in construction traffic on Monday August 28 starting at 9:00am.  This is when a continuous pour of concrete is due to start for the first of four massive bridge footings.  The pour will continue until the footing is complete, sometime during the early hours of Tuesday August 29.

Over 1000 cubic yards of concrete, about 2000 tons, are needed, requiring around 120 truckloads.  The trucks will arrive, and leave, at the rate of about 10 per hour.  This represents a significant increase in construction traffic compared to the normal level of activity in the area.  Motorists are urged to use extra caution.

The concrete will be brought to the site form the north and loaded trucks will make a left turn onto a temporary access road leading down to the work site at Shamrock Ranch.  A �flagman� will be stationed at the northbound lane to facilitate trucks entering and leaving the site.  North and southbound traffic should expect short delays.

The pour has been scheduled to minimize the impact on traffic.  Delaying the start until 9:00 AM ensures most of the morning commute will not be affected. 

Motorists should expect slow moving and turning trucks from Pacifica to Shamrock Ranch.  Please drive carefully in the area.