County continues the search for source of Princeton Harbor contamination

By on Mon, September 8, 2008

The County Times has a good story on the upcoming test of the water in Princeton Harbor, as the county continues its search for the source of fecal bacteria in the water.

The harbor circulation study is one of several state-of-the art techniques Wuertz’s team is using to test out its hypotheses as to where the bacteria is coming from. Two creeks flow into the harbor via culverts near Capistrano Beach, and with them the possibility of fecal contamination from broken sewer lines and horse waste. Alternately, birds and dogs could be causing the bulk of the problem right at the beach itself. Then again, the live-aboards — boats with full-time occupants anchored in the inner harbor — might not be disposing of their waste in violation of the law, in which case it could be washing up on shore.
Recent studies have shown that certain kinds of fecal bacteria can survive out in the atmosphere on their own by latching onto seaweed at the water’s edge, where it multiplies. That raises the possibility that it can turn up on beaches anywhere without first entering the water column, and suggests it will be harder to defeat, said Wuertz.

In the meantime, pay attention to the signs in Princeton Harbor. To volunteer for the Sept. 27 study, contact the Resource Conservation District at (650) 712-7765.