County holding meeting to discuss Coastside public access TV

Note: We’ll post Coastsider’s recommendations to the county in the near future. How would you answer these questions? Are they the right questions?
The County of San Mateo and the City of Half Moon Bay want to hear your thoughts about public access television.
Currently, Comcast subscribers in the City of Half Moon Bay and the unincorporated areas of Montara, Moss Beach, El Granada, Princeton, La Honda, and Pescadero receive public access television on either Mid?Coast Television (MCTV, Channel 6) or Peninsula Television (Pen?TV, Channel 26). The MCTV agreements with the City of Half Moon Bay and County of San Mateo expire in September 2011.
Over the next year the County and the City will jointly conduct a process to select a public access provider. To ensure the best possible service from the selected provider, City and County officials need to know what local subscribers want from their public access channel. This will be a facilitated meeting where small discussion groups will be used to ensure that all attendees have an opportunity to share their thoughts.
- What type of programming would you like to see broadcast on your public access channel?
- How should decisions about the station be made?
- What information about the station should be shared with the community?
- How much programming per day should the station provide?
- How should the station be funded?
Wednesday, June 23, 2010 at 7:00 PM
Ted Adcock Community Center
535 Kelly Avenue
Half Moon Bay
The community meeting is not a formal hearing. No decisions are before being considered by any governing body at this time. This is a listening meeting and we want to hear from you.
For additional background information, please see the links below for information distributed in prior public meetings:
County of San Mateo – See Item #47 on the Consent Agenda for May 11, 2010 Board of Supervisors Meeting at the following link
City of Half Moon Bay ? See Item #6 on the April 20, 2010 City Council Meeting Agenda 0:city?council?agendas&id=234:april?20?2010?city?council?agenda
To provide input either before or after the meeting, please do so by contacting Ann Stillman with the County of San Mateo at:
Laura Snideman with the City of Half Moon Bay at [email protected]