County Parks is spending $753,609 on 0.28-mile trail
DATE: January 10 2011
BOARD MEETING DATE: January 25, 2011
TO: Honorable Board of Supervisors
FROM: David G. Holland, Director, Director of Parks
SUBJECT: Application for and Acceptance of a $250,000 Grant from the California State Coastal Conservancy for Construction of the Fitzgerald Marine Reserve Coastal Trail
Adopt a Resolution:
1) Approving the application for and acceptance of a $250,000 grant from the California State Coastal Conservancy for construction of the Fitzgerald Marine Reserve Coastal Trail; and
2) Authorizing the Director of Parks or his designee to execute in the name of the County of San Mateo all necessary applications, contracts, agreements, amendments and payment requests hereto for the purpose of implementing the purposes specified in the grant application and make all necessary grant assurances.
A Fitzgerald Marine Reserve Master Plan (April 2002), a Fitzgerald Marine Reserve Resource Assessment Plan (2004), a Fitzgerald Marine Reserve Master Plan Final Environmental Impact Report (April 2004), and the Conceptual Plan for Interpretation at Fitzgerald Marine Reserve (December 2004) were prepared by the Department of Parks and were adopted by the Board of Supervisors. These planning documents and interpretive plan all include the California Coastal Trail.
The California Coastal Trail (CCT) is a network of public trails for walkers, bicyclists, equestrians, and others recreating along the California coastline. State legislation in 2000 (ACR 20) declared the CCT an official state trail followed by federal recognition as a Millenium Heritage Trail. In 2001, the State Senate through SB 908 directed the Coastal Conservancy, aided by other State Agencies, to determine what was needed to complete the CCT. The Coastal Conservancy has mapped the entire 1,200-mile California coastline and is working with landowners and managers to align the trail. This project will complete the construction of the CCT within the Fitzgerald Marine Reserve boundaries.
The planning, design and permitting for the Fitzgerald Marine Reserve Coastal Trail were fully underwritten by Coastal Conservancy and California State Parks grants.
The Fitzgerald Marine Reserve Coastal Trail will be fully funded through grant monies. The grant application that the Board is being requested to approve today, if successful, will provide the last funding needed to meet the estimated $753,609 cost of this project.
Approval of this Resolution contributes to the Shared Vision 2025 outcome of an Environmentally Conscious Community as construction of a new Fitzgerald Marine Reserve Coastal Trail increases the number and quality of natural experiences for County Park visitors. Each visitor that experiences the County’s natural resources gains a greater appreciation of the need for their preservation.
Miles of Trail: 0.28 miles
County Counsel has reviewed and approved the Resolution as to form.
The Coastal Conservancy grant of $250,000 will be matched by $503,609 of California State Park Bond Act of 2002 grant funds to fully underwrite this project. There will be no impact to the County General Fund.