County plans to pave Quarry Park with 60 tons of asphalt
The San Mateo County Board of Supervisors are aware that county staff completed grading Quarry Park playground before filing a Coastal Development Permit Exemption, neglected to notify the public about the project, declined to discuss the project at any publicly noticed meetings, ran over budget, did an end-run around the planning department, designed the park on a cocktail napkin, refused to consider ADA compliant environmentally friendly alternatives to black-topping the park with 60 tons of asphalt and overlooked concerns about injuries that occur when kids fall on asphalt.
Each year, more than 200,000 kids are treated in hospital ERs for playground-related injuries. A proper playground surface is one of the most important factors in reducing injuries — and the severity of injuries — that occur when kids fall. Concrete, asphalt, and blacktop are unsafe and unacceptable.
County misrepresented Quarry Park grading on Coastal Development Permit Exemption