County Times covers Midcoast growing pains

By on Thu, March 29, 2007

The County Times has a good article by Julia Scott on the Coastal Commission’s letters to the county regarding its LCP update [Coastsider’s coverage and pdf’s of letters].  It briefly examines the traffic, flooding, and sewer problems that have been exacerbated by current development.

The county’s plan does not call for widening Highway 1, preferring to rely on public transit, turn lanes and road improvements already in place at key highway intersections.

Supervisor Rich Gordon, who represents the Coast, said that future Boards of Supervisors could decide whether to widen the highway using Measure A funds.

"I respectfully disagree with them," he said of the Coastal Commission staff. "I believe there are activities that we can do that will improve highway flow."
"We don’t have a lot of growth in the county, and it (the Midcoast) is one place where there are still large, developable lots," said Gordon. "We have to build the infrastructure to the rate of development.

"If we’re unable to do that, development won’t be able to move forward," he added. "You won’t be able to build a home on most of the lots in El Granada without adequate sewer connections."