County Times covers Montara Mountain hiker rescue

By on Wed, July 11, 2007

The County Times has additional details on the rescue of a hiker and his dogs on Montara Mountain. It turns out the dogs were a lot less trapped in the ravine that captured their owner than everyone thought at first.

The Coast Guard considered a request from the Humane Society to employ a helicopter to lift the dogs to safety, but rejected the idea, citing security concerns in rescuing two dogs, according to Delucchi.

"We were thinking, we can’t get any help from the air, it’s impossible to send a rock climber over the side and the last effort was to get a bunch of volunteers to go through the brush with chain saws."

That latter effort was about to launch at 7 a.m. Tuesday, but in the end there was no need.

"Everybody got there all prepared to do it and then the (hiker’s) neighbor came out and called them," said Quinlan. "And they came! They came running out like two puppies."