County Times reporter Julia Scott’s farewell letter to the Coastside


By on Fri, November 4, 2011

Dear Coastsiders,

This is a hard note to write. For six years, I’ve had the immense privilege of covering the coast for the San Mateo County Times, the San Jose Mercury News, and the rest of Bay Area News Group. As of November 1, I’m stepping down to pursue freelancing full-time.

In my time with the paper, I have had too many adventures to count. I’ve kayaked with whale watchers, crunched budget numbers, exposed sewage polluters, seen salmon numbers rise and fall, covered five pumpkin weigh-offs, and explored the quiet lives of farmworkers. I’ve made some incredible friends, a few enemies, and enjoyed the mutual respect of many sources and colleagues.

The San Mateo Times continues to exist and to cover the Coastside, albeit with a smaller staff.

The good news is that I will still be here in the Bay Area and plan to continue to write about coastal and environmental issues for a variety of local and national news outlets. Please stay in touch with me at [email protected].

It’s been an honor.
