County’s Charter Review Committee meeting in HMB, Weds

Press release

By on Mon, March 8, 2010

The county’s Charter Review Committee is holding its next public hearing in Half Moon Bay at Cunha Intermediate School, on Wednesday March 10, from 5:30 to 7:30.
The Committee is reviewing the county’s charter and, after public hearings, will make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors for amendments to be submitted to county voters.
The general purpose of a county charter is to provide a measure of home rule to the counties of the state. The charter defines San Mateo County’s structure, powers and functions. It’s akin to a local constitution.
In its review of the Charter, the Committee will specifically address the Civil Grand Jury recommendations regarding Board member elections and filling Board vacancies, and  the method of electing members of the Board of Supervisors from the current “at large” system to a “by district” system. In addition to other items the Committee will consider consolidation and reorganization of departments and other organization improvements requiring a Charter amendment.
The Committee will meet at least once in each of the five supervisorial districts in addition to meetings held at the County seat in Redwood City.  The schedule and all materials provided to Committee members are available at its Web site.
Video recordings of each meeting will be posted on the Charter Review Committee’s Web site: