Court rejects appeal of MROSD expansion

By on Fri, February 1, 2008

An appeals court has rejected the appeal of Californians for Property Rights challenging the expansion of the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District.  CROS sued San Mateo County and the county’s Local Area Formation Commission (LAFCO) over the decision to reject petitions for an elections.

The court rejected the appeals by CROS on the basis of notice, an ambiguous map, and how the protests were verified. It also upheld LAFCO’s cross-appeal that it had properly excluded protests that used only a post office box and not a street address.

The MROSD has been proceeding while the decision was under appeal. In a press release, the district noted that it has already "purchased 4,794 acres on the coastside including the magnificent 3,681-acre Driscoll Ranch property as an addition to the District’s La Honda Creek Open Space Preserve."

You can download the decision from the court. | pdf | doc |