Cunha students are screening Oil On Ice, an evironmental documentary Friday

By on Wed, January 5, 2005

Courtesy of Oil on Ice
According to the U.S. Army, the Trans-Alaskan Pipeline is indefensible, and has been the target of numerous attacks over the years. Oil on Ice examines the controversy over drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Oil On Ice, a documentary about the ecosystem and people of the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge will be shown this Friday in Half Moon Bay.  The film is being screened by Cunha’s Environmental Science Club this Friday evening, at 7:30, in the Multi-Use room at Cunha Intermediate School.

Oil On Ice looks at the relationships that have existed there for centuries, and how drilling for oil in the area may affect these delicate balances. Dan Newitt, a local resident, and an editor who worked on the film, will be present to discuss the film after the screening.